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Create Your Own Game Board

When you think of board games, what comes to mind? Maybe old favorites like Clue® or Risk®, or the perennial favorite, Monopoly®? Have you thought about creating a board game to be used in a learning program? What if you could create that board game using PowerPoint? “Wait,” you might be saying, “PowerPoint has all those boring bullets and clip art.” Most people don’t know the true power of PowerPoint, and even fewer use all of its design functions. In this hands-on course, you will build four board games using new ways to change images, draw lines, use the Selection Panel and Format Panel, and export images that can be used in an authoring tool. You will be amazed at what PowerPoint can do to enliven your eLearning programs.
  • 68 learners

  • 4 hours

    Video duration
  • 27 hours

    Course duration
  • Resources Included

    Free of charge
    What you are going to learn

    A few more words about this course

    This course guides you in using PowerPoint to create a game board that can then be printed for use with in person games or be used in a digital game. The course starts with a background image and then adding a line that becomes a pathway. That pathway is then used for a digital game. There are 5 types of game boards you can create.

    You will learn:

    • How to use the Selection Pane
    • How the Selection Pane controls objects
    • How the Animation Pane controls movement
    • How to use shapes for a game board
    • How to use a line for a game board
    • How to change an existing image

    Jeffrey Riley

    Sententia Gamification Master Craftsman and eLearning Designer


    Jeffrey Riley has over 35 years’ experience in the learning industry as an educator and in the business world. Over time as he worked in industries such as education, insurance, and retail, it became obvious that technology was another tool to help people learn.
    Jeffrey has been delivering in person learning for over 30 years and remote learning since 2003 using Webex. Since then, he has used many different programs including Zoom to businesses and individuals.
    Jeffrey is the owner of Practical Learning Concepts consulting with businesses to implement eLearning, and gamification. In his free time, he plays golf and spends time with his grandchildren.

    Course reviews

    "I learned a lot of handy new tips. Refined procedures that I am already doing and enjoyed learning brand new techniques I haven’t done before."
    "This course is a wonderful way to become more confident with procedures that will allow for better standard of care and level of proficiency."
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